I’ll Push You – Patrick Gray and Justin Skeesuck

Hey Everyone! What other great meeting we had in April. I really appreciated everyone’s contributions and candor. This book, I’ll Push You, by Patrick Gray and Justin Skeesuck, was a little different that many of the other books we’ve read, so it was interesting to hear your perspectives.
The book focuses on two men, Patrick and Justin, who have know each other ever since they were born in the same hospital just two days apart.  They grew up together and even though they went their separate ways as adults, they still kept in touch and their families were close. During this time, Justin was diagnosed with a neuromuscular disease called Multifocal Acquired Motor Axonopathy. It’s similar to ALS in many ways as it attacks the nervous system and the ability to move. As the disease progressed, he lost more and more of his mobility but not his dreams. One thing he really wanted to do was to go along the Camino de Santiago trail in Spain, a pilgrimage that’s 500 miles long. There’s only way that could be accomplished and that’s with Patrick by his side.

With lots of preparation and support from their families and community, the two men embark upon the adventure of a lifetime. They meet a lot of interesting people along the way, many of them on their own spiritual quest. The book follows them on this journey and it details how they depended on each other to make this quest. The story is told from both of their perspectives – they each take turns telling their story, back and forth throughout the book. You’ll find yourselves laughing and sometimes crying as you join them on this journey. Mostly though, it’s the trust and faith they have in each other that will stick with you. It’s pretty amazing.
There’s a documentary out about this journey. All throughout this quest, there was a film crew along, documenting what they went through. I have not seen the film but I’m sure it complements the book very well. If you’re interested in reading more about the authors, you can check out their website at www.illpushyou.com.

Now on to other business. For the month of May, we will be reading Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury. Hope to see you at our discussion on May 22.

Take Care,Donna 

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