Use of Special Effects – Avatar and Super 8

For my two films, I’m going to start with a movie I’ve already mentioned on this blog – Avatar.  Talk about special effects!  The whole movie is based on special effects and the result is truly spectacular.  The special effects did not distract at all – without them, the movie would have lost a lot of its grandeur.  James Cameron wasn’t even able to make the movie when he originally wanted to because the technology didn’t exist yet.  Can you believe that?  Finally, when technology had caught up, he made his film and the result is the spectacular world of Pandora, with plants, animals, people and languages that don’t even exist outside of the film.  Pretty amazing.  Check out the link below to find out more about how they did it!

The second movie I’d like to talk about is Super 8.  The special effects in this movie were pretty cool.  This video clip only talks about the train wreck, which is a pretty cool scene to watch.  The video goes into a really good description of how they used digital effects to create the scenes.  Yes, the movie’s kind of corny but the premise is fun and you’ll enjoy watching it, if you haven’t already.  There’s many more special effects, from the monster scenes to people flying through the air.  Nothing too gory and it’s even kid-friendly.

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