Are You Ready to Share Your Story With Me?

What events cause you to stand on your toes, peering intently, ears on edge so you don’t miss anything?  What books do you read that lead you to spend hours on the internet researching for more information on that time period or those ideas?  What bits of music do you hear when you walk past an open door, scarring your memory so that hours later you start humming something you can’t for the life of you remember hearing before but somehow it seems familiar?  What scents waft out of an open window, reminding you of something wonderful your grandma used to make and you just wished you could make it half as good but you’re sure you can taste it even now?  When you slow down long enough to think about these small things, what stories come to mind?  What do you remember?

Hmmmm, what are you thinking about right now?  I’ll bet it’s good!  Care to share?

As many of you know, I want to be a teller of stories.  In some ways, I already am but it’s something I want to do more of.  So how do I find those stories?  By listening, by paying attention, by sharing.  Okay, that’s all good but there’s obviously more to be done.  So what’s next?  Finding those events and places that might be already telling those stories.  Not just showing up, but actively participating in those events, at those places, telling stories of my own.  Maybe, just maybe, someone’s interest will be piqued enough to share their story with me.  How awesome would that be?  Maybe I need to let them know I’m coming…

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