Behind the Scenes – What Happens When You Have No Sound????

Now most of you will never have this happen to you – filming a video and there’s no sound but you don’t discover it until the event’s over and you’ve been home over two weeks without looking at it even once.  Okay, it was really only one week, maybe only a few days.  (Yes, I am prone to exaggerating to make my point!) The fact is, sometimes you really don’t have any sound and you can’t go back and recreate it.

I did that on an interview with another project and I literally had to call the person back up and say “can we do this again because I, uh, made a small error and didn’t capture your wonderful voice”.  When they agree to do it over, then there’s the “ummm, can you say exactly what you said before because it was really inspirational and I built my whole story around your words…”  Say what?????  So yes, this does happen…to me.

For the Sequim Botanical Garden video, I was using a new microphone and didn’t know that even though I turned it off, the camera still knew there was a mic in there and so it disabled the camera’s internal mic.  Who knew?????  Not me, obviously.  Luckily, it was only geese flying across the sky – like thousands of them migrating to warmer climates because they see the snow coming.  Okay, it was maybe hundreds, really.

One of my filming partners, Jack, had his microphone working but his video didn’t turn out as good as mine because it was a really sunny day and it was hard to tell if we were capturing the geese or not.  I don’t even know how I got them on film.  Just lucky, I guess.  At any rate, I was able to take Jack’s awesome audio and sync it with my awesome video and create an awesome masterpiece.  Thank god they were too far away so that I didn’t have to match the honks with their bills – would’ve been a dead giveaway.

Here’s the video.  It actually has three different versions all in one video, so don’t freak out about the length.  Now you know all my secrets…


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