Climate Change – Education Can Impact

It’s real, okay?  C l i m a t e  c h a n g e  is  r e a l.  If you’re having problems with this concept, roll it around on your tongue for a few seconds, think about what you’ve experienced yourself in your lifetime and then say it out loud.  Yes folks, climate change is real.  A fascinating report was just released and here’s the website link where you can find out all kinds of fascinating facts.

What stands out?  We, as in the humans of the world, caused it.  You can read the whole report or you can look at just the region you live in.  I looked at the northwest, because that’s where I live.  What did I learn?  Things already happening, with more to come, include water consumption problems due to stream runoff and snowmelt parallels (not in sync with each other), coastal erosion and acidic seas and tree die-off due to increased wildfires, insects, drought.  This is just in Washington, Oregon and Idaho!  Check out where you live.  Pretty scary stuff.

There are many things we can’t change but there are things we can do to keep some events from getting worse.  That requires education and then action.  I thought STEAM education (science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics) might be a good place to start, so I put together a short video highlighting that.  Hope you enjoy it.

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