If the Oceans Were Ink – Carla Power

Novel Conversation’s Book Club – February 2017 Book – If the Oceans Were Ink, by Carla Power

The book has a really good insight into the Muslim religion and customs. It was very thoughtfully written and had many of us noting that it wasn’t that much different than other religions and customs. It was a terrific discussion and I appreciate the additional guests that were able to join us – you also added to the discussion with your knowledge and expertise. Thank you!

Also, there was another book brought up as quite insightful into different religions, as well as others. It’s called Getting to the Heart of Interfaith, by Pastor Don Mackenzie, Rabbi Ted Falcon and Imam Jamal Rahman, otherwise known affectionately as the Three Amigos. There are other books by them as well. I think these are the gentleman that were in Seattle and started an interfaith group. Sounds like good reading!

For more information on If the Oceans Were Ink, please see the attached link.

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