Still Reminiscing!

Mike with his cool Triumph!

Remember this post?  Yup, so do I.  I actually used that post to reference back to a video I had done with my husband and his brother.  It was such a fun piece.  I can’t remember if I mentioned it before but when I was editing this piece, I

Mark with his brother’s cool Triumph!

was going for the Seinfield effect.  I thought I was making that term up but I just looked it up and it’s actually listed as a recognized effect.  It basically means it’s not going to be funny to everyone.  Not exactly how I would have defined it, but okay.  For me, it was more about an everyday discussion between two brothers – each one filling in the missing pieces of a story.  Very deadpan humor.  Did it work?

I have been doing some additional filming and hope to build on this model to tell other stories.  I have the video and just need to start the editing part.  That’s the hardest part.  As soon as I’m ready with the next project, I’ll let you know.  Stay tuned!

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