Storytime Again!

Yep, it’s storytime again.  And no, you didn’t just open the door to your favorite grade school classroom.  You opened my blog.  You probably have that what-in-the-world-is-going-on look as you furrow your brows and think – really??  Haven’t we went through this two or three times already this week?  You’re seriously not imagining it.  Now for some ‘splaining.

I confess I’m re-hatching some of my old storylines as I work on an assignment for school.  We’re learning how to do blog blasts by using pieces of our earlier blogs, adding some new information and then blasting them out to the outersphere – wherever that is.  So I’m inundating you with my wisdom and hopefully some humor.  Bear with me.

Remember this blog?  I was talking about the benefits of using social media as a storytelling mecca.  I mentioned a couple of things to check out.  Remember the Longhairs video?  No?  Check out the link.  My hair is way too short to make use of the video but I am now savvy enough in “long hair hat wearers” that I could offer up a point or two to someone else.

So thanks for bearing with me and joining me on this journey.  Don’t get too comfortable.  I’m sure there’s lots more where this came from.  I hope you’ll share this journey with me.  In the meantime, have a cup of coffee, or tea, on me!




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