Vincent Van Gogh – Revealed

Everyone knows who Vincent Van Gogh is, but did you know he only sold one of his paintings during his lifetime?  He actually created almost 900 paintings and only sold one.  You read that right – he was not famous while he was still alive.

Did you know he started painting when he twenty-seven years old?  And that he died only ten years later?

Did you know he had temporal lobe epilepsy and suffered from seizures?  I sure didn’t.  Here’s a link to some fascinating facts about Van Gogh, if you’re interested in learning more about him.  Notice the way the information is revealed to you at this link.  I think it’s pretty effective, don’t you?

I hope Van Gogh’s story inspires you to do what you want to do, in spite of any handicaps or hardships.  Don’t listen to what everyone else says.  Do what your heart tells you and it’ll probably steer you right.  And remember, sometimes what we impose on ourselves is so much worse than anything that happens to us.  I guess it’s what we do as humans.  No reason to keep on doing it though, is it?  Reach for the stars and be who you were meant to be.

And one more thing – ever heard of the Loving Vincent project?  Look at the trailer below.  Pretty amazing stuff!


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