Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County

I wanted to share a little of what I’ve been up to lately.  I’m producing a video for the Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County (VHOCC) organization.   The hope is that more people will be inspired to volunteer after hearing how this organization and the people they serve are helped.  Recently, I started interviewing some of those volunteers and the stories they share are compassionate and inspiring.  There are all kinds of ways to volunteer with VHOCC and each of them has found their own niche, providing them a way to do something meaningful that makes a difference for someone else.  Some jobs are more difficult than others and sometimes, all it takes is holding someone’s hand for a while and just being present that provides the comfort and relief for both patients and caregivers.  No acts are too small.

I started this project hoping to inspire others to volunteer and I have found that I am the one most inspired by the stories I record.  The passion the volunteers bring to hospice is heartfelt and I am grateful for what they do.  Obviously, I’m not done yet.  There’s more interviews to do and more stories to hear.  I hope to be sharing little snippets here and there as I work on this project.  So thankful I get to do this!!

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