Examples of Motion Graphics

When I think about my favorite examples of motion graphics in commercials, movies or videos, it’s hard to limit it to only three because there’s so many good ones.  Here’s three that come to mind for me.

1st Example – Avatar

I really liked all of it, but one scene that stands out for me is when Jake is first flying on the banshees.  To see the floating “islands/mountains” as Jake flies by is to almost feel like you’re right there with him.  You want to sway with the movement from the banshee.  The way the motion graphics were introduced really puts the viewer inside the scene.  Pretty clever.  I liked the lighted gardens, animals, the sheer imagination to invent something entirely new.  It’s beautiful to watch.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYk0zVOAOgQ

2nd Example – Up

First, the color is amazing in this movie.  The use of bright and dark colors set the mood for each part of the movie.  The house flying through the air is pretty cool to watch.  When it first lifts off, the balloons jamming their way out of the roof and the foundation being torn away lets you know you’re off for an adventure.  This is imagination gone wild for a story told with heart.  It leaves you hopeful at the end.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkqzFUhGPJg

3rd Example –  The Canada Dry Ginger Ale Commercial

I think they’re pretty clever.  One of the more recent versions is where the guy’s in a field and he sees his crop being yanked in the ground.  When he pulls on it, he comes up into a bar scene being pulled out of an ice bucket full of ginger ale.  Very clever and it gets your attention.  It’s also got humor to it, which is always fun.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wzVPMtdIg8

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