What Type of Storyteller Do I Want to Be?

What type of storyteller do I want to be?  Definitely more of a personal and family storyteller.  Maybe even cultural.

I want to tell stories about things that are important to people.  But I want to use their words, their thoughts.  I want their emotions to fill the space, their words to provoke your thoughts.

Interviewing people to find out what they’re all about will let us learn where they came from and where they think they’re going.  I’m really drawn to the emotional aspects of why people do what they do and what they learn from that.

It’s inspiring to have people take you into their confidence and be willing to share those gems and nuggets of bits and pieces of their lives.  It’s a humbling experience to be part of that journey and when it happens, it’s a precious gift.

I want to share those stories, with permission, through video and photography.  The camera becomes my eyes and ears and the video clips and photographs become my voice.  Actually, it’s probably more appropriate to say the video clips and photographs become the voice of the people that allow me into their world.  It’s a wonderful experience!

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